This is an electronic repository for broadband deployment policy reports.
If you would like one added here, just send an email request to ryan[dot]croke[at]illinois[dot]gov
Broadband Primer: A Guide to High Speed Internet Technologies
Pew Internet & American Life Project: Home Broadband Adoption 2009 Report
First Monday: Broadband policy: Beyond privatization, competition, and independent regulation (April)
Looks at effects and limitations of privatization of broadband service and recommendations for the future in the light of the current economic conditions.
Measuring the Information Society - The ICT Development Index (March)
Report details international rankings for broadband, cellular telephone use, and other communication technologies.
USDA Economic Research Service: Rural Broadband At A Glance, 2009 Edition (February)
A current evaluation of rural broadband. The report finds that internet access in rural areas is widespread, but not necessarily at broadband speeds, so many in rural areas are more likely to use the internet outside of their homes, in public places, where higher speeds are available.
ITIF: The Atlantic Century: Benchmarking E.U. and U.S. Innovation and Competitiveness(February)
"ITIF uses 16 indicators to assess the global innovation-based competitiveness of 36 countries and 4 regions. This report finds that while the U.S. still leads the EU in innovation-based competitiveness, it ranks sixth overall. Moreover, the U.S. ranks last in progress toward the new knowledge-based innovation economy over the last decade."
ITIF: The Digital Road to Recovery: A Stimulus Plan to Create Jobs, Boost Productivity and Revitalize America (January)
"Although projects to improve the country’s traditional physical infrastructure...are necessary and important, investments in certain parts of our national information technology (IT) infrastructure...will have a greater positive impact..."
New America Foundation: Homes with Tails - What if you could own your Internet Connection?
"Consumers may one day purchase and own fiber connections that run from their homes. They would then be able to connect to a variety of service providers, including today’s Internet, television, and telephone services, as well as ultra-bandwidth intensive services of the future."
Connected Nation: Consumer Insights to America's Broadband Challenge (October)
"This is the first in a series of Connected Nation reports on America’s Broadband Challenge. Over the course of the next few months, these reports will examine extensive survey data from more than 50,000 consumers to identify the real barriers to broadband adoption and computer use, particularly among traditionally underserved demographics. The series will also examine the programs and policies that are working to overcome these barriers."
ITIF: Digital Quality of Life - Understanding the personal & social benefits of the IT revolution
Ways to use information technology in public policy
Illinois Commerce Commission: Annual Report on Telecommunications Markets in Illinois
"This report presents summary statistics on competition in basic local telephone services and the deployment of high speed services in Illinois."
The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation: An Innovation Economics Agenda for the Next Administration
"In today’s economy, innovation – the development and adoption of new products and services, more efficient production processes, and new business models – is the most important factor driving increases in American standards of living. By putting innovation at the center of our nation’s economic policies, we can ensure robust economic growth and rising standards of living for all Americans."
APT & CWA: State Broadband Initiatives (July)
"A Summary of State Programs Designed to Stimulate Broadband Deployment and Adoption"
CostQuest Associates: State Broadband Initiatives Survey
"...the results of a 50 state survey it conducted in order to better understand the landscape of state policies developed to expand high-speed internet availability. The survey shows that although most states have undertaken broadband initiatives, there is neither a single national model nor a
consensus on best practices."
Broadband Policy recommendations by Illinois Broadband Deployment Council "to outline the steps Illinois must take to position itself as America’s leading broadband state."
Pew Internet & American Life Project: Home Broadband Adoption 2008 (July)
"Adoption stalls for low-income Americans even as many broadband users opt for premium services that give them more speed"
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy: OSTP 2.0
Science and technology recommendations for the next president.
Columbia University Institute for Learning Technologies: XO Pilot Evaluation (June)
Research study done on the teaching effectiveness of the one laptop per child laptop.
Internet for Everyone: One Nation Online (June)
Why America needs a "Fast, affordable, open internet for everyone."
ENC & Baller-Herbst: Capturing the Promise of Broadband for NC & America
The benefits of broadband, the state of the technology in the US and around the world, and strategies for moving forward, with a focus on North Carolina.
SETDA: High-Speed Broadband Access for all Kids
Why it is important to provide broadband to kids, and how to actually provide it from a public policy perspective.

Communication Workers of America: A Report on Internet Speeds in All 50 States (June)
Detailed inter-state comparisons for broadband speeds and policies. Includes a factsheet on each state.
Fiber to the Home Council: Muni FTTH Deployments-Next Generation BB as a Muni Utility
Background information and the current state of the Fiber-to-the-Home strategy of broadband deployment.
Center for Rural Pennsylvania: Broadband Internet Use in Rural Pennsylvania
Qualitative study of broadband use in different sectors of society in rural Pennsylvania.
National Governor's Association: State efforts to expand broadband
"This Issue Brief reviews state efforts to expand broadband access by offering examples of implementation strategies. In addition, we highlight how broadband access can spur economic development and improve quality of life."
Akamai: The State of the Internet
Hacker attacks, broadband penetration rates, and other interesting statistics from a company that operates a large number of servers around the world.
Ovum: The Impact of Wireless Broadband Technology and Services on the US Economy
A study commissioned by the Wireless Telecommunications Industry suggests that Wireless technology is having a massive positive effect on the US economy.
[.PPT]Chicago Federal Communications Bar Association broadband presentation
A presentation focusing on video licensing issues and broadband deployment from a legal perspective. California's "Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act" is discussed in depth. The regulation, classification, and potential legal issues surrounding broadband are discussed as well.
- For more information, contact Michael Morris,
ITIF: Digital Prosperity - Understanding the economic benefits of the IT revolution (March)
"The integration of ITinto virtually all aspectsof the economy andsociety is creating a digitally-enabled economythat is responsible forgenerating the lion’sshare of economic growth and prosperity."
US Internet Industry Association: Deployment of Broadband to Rural America
Interesting conclusions about broadband in America, including the surprising conclusion that broadband is actually being deployed to many rural areas, but is not necessary being adopted by consumers there.
FCC Wireline Competition Bureau: High-Speed Services for Internet Access: Status as of June 30, 2007
Subscribership statistics from the FCC that include rates of broadband penetration among both consumers and businesses, and the levels of speed in use.
Education Week: Illinois State Technology Report
A technology 'report card' for Illinois. Extensive categories and grading.
Connected Nation: The Economic Impact of Stimulating Broadband Nationally (February)
Recommends modeling federal broadband programs after ConnectKentucky as a means to both broadband deployment and wider economic stimulus.
ITIF: 2007 State New Economy Index
Comparing economic development in different US states focusing on economic activity associated with technology.
Educause: A Blueprint for Big Broadband
The United States needs a high capacity 100mbs+ broadband network. It doesn't have one in the works because of the lack of leadership at the federal level, and the way to get one is to create a unified national plan for broadband.
Assessing High-Speed Internet Access in Iowa: Eighth Assessment
The results of a survey by the Iowa Utilities Board detailing broadband access in Iowa.
ILSR: Municipal Broadband - Demystifying Wireless and Fiber-Optic Options
Recommends pursuing municipal wireless options while at the same time understanding that fiber optic connections to homes is the future of broadband deployment. References the Minneapolis-St. Paul wireless broadband project.
NTIA: Networked Nation - Broadband in America 2007
Official paper laying out the broadband policies of the Department of Commerce under the Bush Administration.
Recommendations to “remove barriers to broadband access, identify opportunities for increased broadband adoption, and enable the creation and deployment of new advanced communication technologies" in California.
Executive Summary
IL Dept. of Transportation: Broadband Access Plan for Passenger Rail
General plan to provide wireless broadband access to passenger trains.
MultiState Associates: Review of 2007 state broadband bills
Synopses of legislation in U.S. states relating to broadband policy.
New America Foundation: "White Space Device" Operations on the TV Band & the Myth of Harmful Interference
Analysis of deploying wireless broadband in the white spaces between television channels.
Illinois Century Network: 2007 Advanced Engineering Taskforce Report
Lists accomplishments and recommendations by the task force.
Looks at the idea of the "digital divide" in the US: whether the digital divide really exists as is believed, and if indeed it does, whether the federal government should intervene and how it should do so.
TX Dept. of Info Resources: The Texas Transformation - Delivering Technology that Matters
Recommendations for the use of technology in Texas government, and for the use and development of technology infrastructure in the state.
Information Technology and Innovation Forum: The Role of Competition in a National Broadband Policy
Examines the state of competition in the U.S. Broadband marketplace, and the benefits/pitfalls of increased or decreased competition.
Center for Creative Voices in Media: The Case For Universal Broadband in America
Personal stories of individuals whose lives have been changed by either having access to broadband or not having that access.
American Consumer Institute: Broadband Services - Economic & Environmental Benefits
Details potential environmental benefits and energy savings possible with broadband tech.
Illinois Commerce Commission: Annual Report on Telecommunications Markets in Illinois
"...summary statistics on competition in basic local telephone services and the deployment of high speed services in Illinois."
Benton Foundation: Universal Affordable Broadband for All Americans
"How to modernize universal service for the 21st century and connect Americans to a new era of digital opportunity"
Institute for Regulatory Policy Studies: Broadband Access in Illinois
"Working in conjunction with Lieutenant Governor Patrick Quinn’s Broadband Deployment Council, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity provided funds to Illinois State University for the Institute for Regulatory Policy Studies1 to conduct an in-depth study mapping of broadband access in Illinois. The objectives, data collection, and analytical methods and results of that study are presented in this report."
ILSR: Burlington Telecom Case Study
The methodology of building the Burlington network in Vermont: how the network was builtand strategies that work.

The Brookings Institute: Strengthening U.S. Information Technology (July)
The dominance of the United States on the world-wide-web is important for the the U.S., and there are several strategies that the next U.S. administration can pursue in order to keep America on top.
Brookings Institute: Effects of Broadband Deployment on Output and Employment
Broadband as infrastructure for the new global economy, and the effects of broadband infrastructure development on the U.S. economy.
The Children's Partnership: Helping Children With Disabilities: What's Broadband Got to Do With it?
Broadband greatly aids children with disabilities by helping them to become independent members of society.
Free Press: U.S. Broadband Policy and International Broadband Rankings
There is substance to the poor ranking of U.S. Broadband in comparison to other countries, and such poor rankings are a result of poor broadband policy planning at the Federal level.
CA Broadband Task Force: Recommended Administrative Actions That Can Immediately Promote Broadband Access & Usage
"...administrative actions that can result in immediate promotion of broadband access and usage" in California.
Federal Trade Commission: Broadband Connectivity and Competition Policy
Summarizes learnings of FTC's task force on net neutrality and network security.
Mayor Daley's Advisory Council on Closing the Digital Divide: The City That NetWorks (May)
Report summarizes opportunities to make internet access in Chicago ubiquitous.
New Democrat Network: A Laptop in Every Backpack
Every child needs a laptop in order to be a part of the new telecommunications network that is connecting people across the world.
Editorial Projects in Education: Technology Counts 2007 Illinois Report Card
Statistics and grades for technology among K-12 students in Illinois.
Alliance for Public Technology: Achieving Universal Broadband - Policies for Stimulating Deployment & Demand
Concrete steps the US Government can take in order to increase access to broadband in the United States and become an international leader in broadband as well.
ILSR: 5 Ways Public Ownership Solves the U.S. Broadband Problem
Arguments for public ownership of broadband infrastructure on a municipal level.
Reason Foundation: A Dynamic Perspective on Government Broadband Initiatives (November)
Explains how broadband service is different from traditional utility services, and thus how the government should address broadband deployment differently because of its unique nature.
Communication Workers of America: Affordable High Speed Internet for All (October)
Report details steps the U.S. should take in order to become a world-leader in equitable broadband deployment.
American University Law Review: Wi-Fi Everywhere - Universal BB Access as Antitrust & Telecom Policy (August)
Broadband deployment is the central infrastructure challenge facing the U.S., and such deployment greatly influences the economic opportunities of persons who have access to broadband.
Phoenix Center: The Burden of Network Neutrality Mandates on Rural Broadband Deployment (July)
Net Neutrality hinders broadband deployment, and has much higher costs for rural broadband deployment than in urban deployment.
GAO: Broadband Deployment is Extensive throughout the US, but it is Difficult to Assess the Extent of Deployment Gaps in Rural Areas (May)
"Broadband Deployment Is Extensive throughout the United States, but It Is Difficult to Assess the Extent of Deployment Gaps in Rural Areas."
US Department of Commerce: Measuring Broadband's Economic Impact (February)
"...broadband access does enhance economic growth and performance, and [the] assumed economic impacts of broadband are real and measurable."
National Exchange Carriers Association: Making Progress with Broadband
Report gives detailed information on the status of network service providers' deployment of broadband in rural areas.
NIU Regional Development Institute: Telecom and the Future: The U.S. and Illinois are Falling Behind (May)
The U.S. broadband infrastructure is behind other countries. There are several things that can be done to improve our position. Also, why it's important to take these initiatives.
Policy recommendations fro improving broadband access in Maine. Includes details on setting up a state broadband development board.
Information Technology Industry Council: 10-Point Plan to Bring Broadband to More Americans (October)
Range of policy recommendations for broadband.
Applied Economic Studies: Broadband and Economic Development: A Municipal Case Study from Florida (April)
Does broadband spending by municipalities spur economic growth?
IMUA: Governmental Participation in Telecom Services - A Vital Link to Economic Development (January)
Why does local government need the ability to offer telecommunication services?
UIUC Dept. of Urban & Regional Planning: Recommendations for Universal Broadband Access (October)
Discusses how to accelerate the deployment of broadband in underserved communities in Illinois.
Consumer Federation of America: Expanding the Digital Divide & Falling Behind on Broadband (October)
"The U.S. is falling behind other nations and the digital divide is growing."
US Dept. of Commerce: A Nation Online - Entering the Broadband Age (September)
"Report examines the use of computers, internte, and other information technology tools by the American people."
TechNet: The State Broadband Index - An Assessment of State Policies Impacting Broadband Deployment & Demand (July)
Survey of state policy initiatives and their impact on broadband deployment.
Heartland Institute: Municipally Owned Broadband Networks - A Critical Evaluation (November)
Case study of three Illinois cities who attempted to set up and own their broadband network: pitfalls as well as successes.
APT: Advanced Services, Advanced Lives - Broadband Case Studies and Policy Recommendations to Accelerate Deployment (February)
Examines the basic framework and issues around broadband deployment, and specific areas in which broadband tech can be used to improve living.
CATO Institute: Broadband Deployment and the Digital Divide - A Primer (August)
A detailed and thoughtful look at the digital divide.
Symposium: Should Americans be Concerned about the Digital Divide? (September)
"Yes: Gaps between computer haves and have-nots will put the underclass further behind."
NTIA: Falling Through the Net
Telecommunications tools are increasingly essential to economic success, but there are many who don't have them.
NTIA: Falling Through the Net (July)
Assessing the goal of universal service in America.
National Association of the Deaf: Broadband and Americans with Disabilities
The deaf and people with disabilities can benefit greatly from technologies enabled by broadband internet access. However, the barriers to more broadband access are not technical, but policy barriers.
Climate Risk Pty: Towards a High-Bandwidth, Low-Carbon Future - Telecom-based Opportunities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Opportunities for Australian society to achieve greenhouse gas emissions reductions using broadband technology.

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